How to get forecast just for tomorrow (24 hours)?

I have a very similar situation as described by bjornbak on April 2022. The discussion didn;t seem to answer his question: how do I tell how many half hour timeslots to provide a forecast for, or when the data should stop. Like him, I only need the forecast for the following day. What's more, when I add start=00:00, it doesn;t do anything. I'm still getting timeslots starting at 5:00. Here is my request:,0,0,20,20,20,20,0,0,0,0,0&inverter=3&start=00:00

What can I do to start the forecast at 00:00 (even if it is zero for a number of timeslots) and to finish at 23:30 the same day?

Thank you - Rowan

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